Frederick Area Dressage Shows (FADS) is a web site that lists independent casual dressage schooling shows located in the Frederick County, Maryland, area. FADS is not an organization - it does not hold shows and it does not have members. The FADS web site is a free marketing service for farms that hold casual dressage schooling shows; the site communicates their show information to Frederick County area dressage riders. For riders, the FADS web site is a way to find and participate in casual dressage schooling shows without all the "red tape" and high cost.
Purpose: The shows provide a fun and friendly atmosphere for the dressage enthusiast and promote the appreciation and pursuit of dressage. They also provide a true training atmosphere where both horse and rider can learn the process of showing and acclimate to the showing environment. The shows also give farms experience in holding dressage schooling shows thereby increasing the number of dressage schooling shows in the Frederick County area.
Does FADS have members? No. FADS is not a club with members. FADS is a web based free volunteer marketing service for farms in the Frederick County, Maryland, area that hold casual dressage schooling shows. People who want to receive FADS announcements and other information via email may have their names and email addresses added to the FADS Email List. Use the Join Our Email List form below to be added to the FADS Email List. The FADS Email List will only be used for FADS announcements; it will not be provided to anyone for any purpose.
Affiliations: FADS is not affiliated with any equestrian or other organization.
Charitable Donations: Some of the shows on the FADS Show List donate show proceeds to charitable organizations. Click here for a list of donations and the total donation to date.
Who manages the FADS Show List? Leslie Raulin maintains the FADS Show List and web page with the advice of Cathy Echternach, Cheryl Loane and Michele Wellman. In this capacity, they are marketing volunteers for each show. There is no fee for FADS marketing.
How can a show be added to the FADS Show List? Click here to read information for farms and show managers/secretaries. A show can be added at any time during a season or before the next season.
How do you ask a question about FADS? See CONTACT US below.
How do you get on the FADS Email List? If you are interested in riding in a show on the FADS Show List, or having your show(s) on the FADS Show list, and therefore want to receive FADS email notifications, complete the Join Our Email List form below. The FADS Email List will only be used for FADS announcements; it will not be provided to anyone for any purpose. The name and email address of FADS riders will automatically be added to the FADS Email List.
Purpose: The shows provide a fun and friendly atmosphere for the dressage enthusiast and promote the appreciation and pursuit of dressage. They also provide a true training atmosphere where both horse and rider can learn the process of showing and acclimate to the showing environment. The shows also give farms experience in holding dressage schooling shows thereby increasing the number of dressage schooling shows in the Frederick County area.
Does FADS have members? No. FADS is not a club with members. FADS is a web based free volunteer marketing service for farms in the Frederick County, Maryland, area that hold casual dressage schooling shows. People who want to receive FADS announcements and other information via email may have their names and email addresses added to the FADS Email List. Use the Join Our Email List form below to be added to the FADS Email List. The FADS Email List will only be used for FADS announcements; it will not be provided to anyone for any purpose.
Affiliations: FADS is not affiliated with any equestrian or other organization.
Charitable Donations: Some of the shows on the FADS Show List donate show proceeds to charitable organizations. Click here for a list of donations and the total donation to date.
Who manages the FADS Show List? Leslie Raulin maintains the FADS Show List and web page with the advice of Cathy Echternach, Cheryl Loane and Michele Wellman. In this capacity, they are marketing volunteers for each show. There is no fee for FADS marketing.
How can a show be added to the FADS Show List? Click here to read information for farms and show managers/secretaries. A show can be added at any time during a season or before the next season.
How do you ask a question about FADS? See CONTACT US below.
How do you get on the FADS Email List? If you are interested in riding in a show on the FADS Show List, or having your show(s) on the FADS Show list, and therefore want to receive FADS email notifications, complete the Join Our Email List form below. The FADS Email List will only be used for FADS announcements; it will not be provided to anyone for any purpose. The name and email address of FADS riders will automatically be added to the FADS Email List.