Dressage shows are scheduled - each ride is assigned a test, a class and a ride time. Sometimes a class is designated for a rider status - Adult Amateur, Junior/Young Rider, or Professional. Different tests have different "durations" - the amount of time allocated to enter the arena (45 seconds), ride the test (minutes indicated on each test sheet), receive comments from the judge (usually 1 minute - schooling shows only), and time for the judge to write on the dressage test sheet. After a show is scheduled, changes may affect these parameters and could therefore disrupt the show.
A scratch is a ride that has been cancelled by the rider. This can occur before the show or during the show. With permission from the show secretary, another horse/rider can fill this scratch as long as the new ride matches the scratched ride - the same test, the same class, the same ride time, and the same rider status (if applicable). If this is not done the show could be disrupted.
If a rider fills a scratch, the new rider pays the fee for the ride. The original rider is usually not issued a refund.
A scratch is a ride that has been cancelled by the rider. This can occur before the show or during the show. With permission from the show secretary, another horse/rider can fill this scratch as long as the new ride matches the scratched ride - the same test, the same class, the same ride time, and the same rider status (if applicable). If this is not done the show could be disrupted.
If a rider fills a scratch, the new rider pays the fee for the ride. The original rider is usually not issued a refund.