This calendar contains FADS shows and other schooling and licensed dressage shows in the Frederick area, as well as other major dressage shows that may be of interest to Frederick area riders. It also includes federal holidays.
- Since information changes, non-FADS show information on the calendar is not guaranteed to be accurate. For non-FADS shows, it is recommend that you consult the sponsoring entity's web site.
- If you see an error, please report it to the FADS webmaster at [email protected].
FADS @ = Frederick Area Dressage Shows Schooling Show
(B) FADS @ = Frederick Area Dressage Benefit Schooling Show SS = Non-FADS Schooling Show LS = USEF Licensed / USDF Recognized National Dressage Show BCF = Dressage, By Chance? = https://www.bychancefarm.com/dressage-shows/ PVDA = Potomac Valley Dressage Association (USDF GMO) = www.pvda.org/ LM = Loch Moy = https://themarylandhorsetrials.com/loch-moy-farm/ VN = VADA/Nova (chapter of VA Dsg Assn) = www.vadanova.org/ |
Click here to see a map of FADS Farm locations.